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Why Texas Kingdom Volleyball?​​







Ball Size




The underlying principle of the program is to teach the children the game of volleyball

and good sportsmanship. Each player is required to play one half the match, unless,

held out for disciplinary reasons. 





The home team is the team listed first on the schedule. Both teams meet at center court where the home team will offer the pre-game prayer.  Each team will receive a 3 minute passing warm-up and a 2 minute shared serving warm-up.


Game Attire

Players must wear their team uniform as supplied by their church/school.

No player may wear any jewelry, including earrings. Earrings that are taped are not permitted (No exceptions will be made to this rule).



4th and 5th graders will use a Volley-Lite or regulation size training volleyball. All other grade levels will use regulation-size balls. Each gym will provide game balls.


Scoring System

The match will be the best two out of three sets or 45 minutes. The first two sets are rally scoring to 25 with a point cap of 30. If the match goes to a third set, it will be rally scoring to 15 with a point cap of 20. If time runs out during the match, the team in the lead wins. Must win by two points.  If the matches are running behind schedule, play will end at 5 minutes left on the clock.


Rally Scoring – If a team fails to serve properly, return the ball, or commits any other fault, the opponent wins the rally and scores a point.. . . If the serving team wins the rally, it scores a point and continues to serve. . . If the receiving team wins the rally, it scores a point and 

gains the right to serve.




If a serve touches the net but goes over, the serve is legal.


  • 4th and 5th Grade – may serve from inside the end line up to 5’ inside the court but cannot foot fault.

  • 6th Grade – overhand serving: may begin from inside the end line up to 5’ onto the court but cannot foot fault

  • 6th Grade – underhand serving: may foot-fault only from the end line (one foot may land on or over the end line)

  • 7th/8th Grade – Underhand serving: must serve from behind the end line (no foot-fault allowed)

  • 7th/8th Grade – overhand serving: may foot-fault only (one foot may land on or over the end line)

  • In the case where the end line is less than 4 ft. from the wall or bleachers, foot fault for all grade levels are allowed.

  • It is left to the referee’s discretion as to whether or not a serve is legal.

Rotation/Service Order

All teams must use a continuous rotation with their entire team. The last server rotates out after the side out. The player entering the game must come in to the middle back position (position 6). 


After 5 consecutive service points, the ball will be given to the opposing team without awarding a point. The team that gave the ball over will rotate AFTER they get the ball back.


All teams must rotate their line up in between sets or have a new line up. The last server of the set may not be the first server of the next set. The rotation from the previous set continues in order. 


Ball Hitting the Ceiling

If the ball hits the ceiling on your side and comes down on your side, it is still in play assuming it is not the 3rd hit.  If it hits the ceiling on your side but goes to the other side, it is out.  If it is hit over the net and hits the ceiling, it is out.


Ball Hitting the Wall

A ball becomes dead when it touches a wall without interfering with a player’s legitimate effort to play the ball. A replay is declared when a wall, floor obstacle or non-playable area that is less than 6ft. from a boundary line causes the interference provided the player was making a legitimateeffort to legally play the ball.



Each team is allowed a maximum of one 30 second time-out per set.  A time-out may NOT be taken the last 30 seconds of a set.


Line Judges:

A volunteer from each team will serve as line judges.



All other NFHS rules apply.



Specific League Rules


Paid Coaching

All coaches/trainers for teams in this league must be volunteers. Paid coaches are not allowed


Parent/Player Issues

All players and parents in this league are expected to hold true to the recreational focus of this league. Arguing with referees, profanity, and any other negative attitudes directed at opposing coaches, players, or fans will result in immediate removal from the facility.



Players, coaches, parents, and visitors will conduct themselves at all times in a manner consistent with the mission of Texas Kingdom Christian Sports Association (TKCSA):

To provide witness of Jesus Christ by offering children an opportunity to learn and play with their friends in a Christian sports ministry environment.



  • All adults and children will practice good sportsmanship,

  • Players will wear appropriate attire during games, including their team uniform,

  • Inappropriate language will not be used,

  • Officials and scorekeepers will not be verbally abused or otherwise disparaged,

  • Coaches and parents will strive to create and maintain a positive, uplifting environment,

  • Parents will ensure their children (players) appropriately understand these expectations.

Developmental Leagues
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